Gafas de esquí Defender 1000 Pro Shadow + Gafas de esquí Defender 1000 Pro Lavanda
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Paquete de amor doble
El amor siempre nos impulsa a buscar instintivamente el lado bueno de las cosas, y nos resucita al día siguiente de esos momentos oscuros. Esta vez, reunimos algunas de nuestras gafas de esquí clásicas en la temporada blanca, como nuestra expresión para celebrar el amor.
El paquete Moonlight Lavender incluye dos pares de gafas de esquí de la colección Defender 1000 Pro, que es una evolución de la colección Defender 1000 con SwitchLens, FaceComfort y NudeFrame como tecnología principal.
- SwitchLens: desmonte y reemplace rápidamente la lente mediante un cierre magnético.
- NudeFrame: diseño de lentes sin montura para garantizar una visión clara y amplia.
- FaceComfort: esponjas multicapa con técnica de modelado ergonómica para un uso prolongado.
- Compatibilidad con OTG: suficiente espacio interior con corte preciso de espuma para adaptarse a gafas graduadas.
Cuando recibas el paquete, obtendrás...
- Dos pares de gafas y dos lentes extra
- Bolsas de microfibra de doble capa
- Estuches de almacenamiento de EVA
- Bonificación: pegatinas y posavasos
Confirme el número SKU anterior con nosotros antes de realizar un pedido de devolución/reemplazo.

Interchangeable Lens System
The launch of Defender 1000 and 1000 Pro is to handle the light changes commonly appearing in outdoor sports. It develops the SwitchLens idea to turn the ski goggles into all-in-one eyewear to simplify your ski gear. The goggles use eight magnets to lock the lens securely.
You can save time and energy through a simple magnetic lens swap if you find out the weather changes on the mountaintop. Whether it’s bluebird days or misty days, SwitchLens offers you the most suitable eye protection.

Perfect Fit & Great Comfort
The Defender collection hopes its goggles are wearable for all different people. Based on the analysis of the various face contours from a wide range of people, we adopt a new technique to reshape the face foam and make it seal evenly onto the faces.
The face foam consists of triple-layered sponges to ensure softness and comfort. Even though wearing the goggles for a long time, you will not feel discomfort or mismatch at all. Besides, the flexible TPU frame is also a bonus to strengthen the fit of the goggles. Technology and materials are the cores of FaceComfort that have constant improvement to give you a perfect wearing experience.

Unobstructed Vision
Vision is crucial to all snow sports. Our use of the NudeFrame technology greatly minimizes the limit of your viewing angle. Every piece of the lens from Defender 1000 Pro is rimless, thus has only about 58g in weight to ensure it is light and friendly for wearing on the face.
NudeFrame means that you can have an expanded vision to see more details on the terrains. This low-profile design of the lens is ideal for those who want style and vision at the same time.